Alderlea 1.2 Cast Iron Stove


Standard Features
EPA Certified
Reliable, durable non-catalytic technology
Air wash system for super clean ceramic glass
High-tech multi-port combustion air injection system
Inside and outside combustion air capable
Floating firebox for extended stove life
Cast iron over steel firebox construction
304 Stainless Steel baffle, insulation cover, rails and flame shield
Mobile home approved
Fits close wall clearances without heat shields
Single-Lever Air Control
East-West fuel loading

For more product information or to place an order please contact us.

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The Alderlea 1.2 cast iron stove takes the tradition of cast iron charm and wraps it over a highly efficient 1.2 cubic foot steel firebox. Ideal for the cabin or occasional use rooms, this little stove is designed for heating spaces requiring short burn times.

Performance Options
Temperature-Actuated Variable-Speed Blower

Technical Information
30,000 BTU Cord Wood
26,300 BTU EPA Test Fuel

Efficiency 80.4%
Emissions 2.6 gm/hr.
Firebox Size 1.2 cu.ft.
Log Size (recommended) 16 in.
Log Size (max.) 17 in.
