FP30 Arch Zero-Clearance Fireplace

Standard Features
EPA Certified
Reliable, Durable Catalytic-Free Technology
Extended Burn Technology (EBT)
Airwash Technology for clear, clean glass
Floating firebox for extended stove life
304 Stainless Steel baffle, insulation cover, rails and flame shield
High-tech multi-port combustion air injection system
Boost air for easy lighting
Single-Lever Air Control
Oversize glass viewing window
Cast iron door
Cast iron ash lip (Contemporary)
Integrated heat exchanger
2×80 cfm temperature actuated blowers
Inside and outside combustion air capable
Mobile Home Approved
North-South fuel loading

For more product information or to place an order please contact us.

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The FP30 Arch meets the need for high-capacity heat in a wood burning fireplace. Boasting a large curved cast iron framed door, this fireplace is packed with standard features for outstanding performance.

For additional heat source utilization, an optional EPA Certified Heat Distribution System is available for the FP30 Arch. Using standard “B” vent piping, the powered heat distribution system transfers heat into isolated rooms. Each heat duct is independently switch controlled, allowing for on demand control and comfort.

Craftsman Surround
Enhance the traditional beauty of your new FP30 Arch with the Craftsman Surround optional upgrade (for Series B units only).

Heat Distribution System
Enjoy heat throughout your home with Pacific Energy’s EPA approved Heat Distribution System.

With the FP25 and the FP30, homeowners can supplement their heat source with an optional Heat Distribution System. Using standard “B” vent piping, the powered heat distribution system transfers heat into isolated rooms. Each heat duct is independently switch controlled, allowing for on demand control and comfort.

heat distribution system

Technical Information
99,000 BTU Cord Wood
38,500 BTU EPA Test Fuel

Efficiency (LHV) 76.8%
Emissions 2.47 gm/hr.
Log Size (recommended) 16″
Log Size (max) 20″
Firebox Size 3.0 cu.ft.
Glass Viewing Area 246 sq.in.
Weight 626 lb.
