Best Fireplace Inserts

Fireplaces add coziness and cheer to a home, especially during the colder months when the world outside is harsh and uninviting. They draw family and friends closer together to share its warmth and in the comfort of each others presence. If an existing fireplace needs updated or modernized, that can be done, without sacrificing the fireplace’s charm, by installing a fireplace insert. Gas/propane, wood, and electric are three commonly accessible fuel types. These fuel types are not identical in function and each one has its own unique set of pros and cons.

Before examining each of the fuel types available for fireplace inserts, it’s important to first determine the type of structure the fireplace is which the insert will be installed into. Gas/propane fueled inserts are versatile and compatible with either a masonry or factory built, zero clearance fireplace. Wood burning inserts, however, are approved for only masonry fireplaces, even if the existing factory built, zero clearance fireplace is a wood burning one.

The second thing to consider is the square footage of the area the fireplace insert will be expected to heat. Each fuel category offers a variety of models, and each one is designed to heat a certain size of area. One that is larger than needed isn’t necessarily better. A unit that provides too much heat is as equally inefficient as one that produces too little. One that is too large would require more fuel than necessary to heat the designated space, which negatively impacts the cost of operation as well as the comfort of your home.

Now let’s take a closer look at some of the pros and cons within each fuel category.


Callaway 50 Fireplace

Gas/Propane Fueled

Of the three fuel types discussed in this article, gas/propane fueled fireplace inserts are the middle child of inserts. They are less expensive than wood to install but more costly than electric. Operational cost is comparable to electric fueled inserts, but more than the wood fueled inserts. One aspect that sets it above wood fueled inserts is its cleanliness and convenience to operate. Since the fuel is piped directly into the fireplace insert, there is no time or effort required to carry fuel into your home. Gas/propane stoves are the perfect choice for someone who wants the coziness and warmth of a fire without the requirement of daily maintenance. Kozy Heat is a high quality, American made brand which offers several gas/propane fueled models in a variety of designs. Each model flickers with a realistic flame while operating with the utmost efficiency.


RSF Focus 320 Fireplace

Wood Fueled

Wood fueled fireplace inserts are more expensive than gas or electric to install. Its cost of maintenance is the least out of the three fuel types, but it also requires the most work. Whether you cut and split the wood or buy wood that is ready to burn, operating a wood burning insert requires manually starting a fire and periodically adding wood to keep it burning. Even when buying pre-cut wood, the wood must be toted to the fireplace insert’s location which requires time, strength, and a sweeping afterward as wood tends to shed bark and small tinder. However, every pain has its reward and no other heat compares to that of wood fueled fires. Its heat permeates and warms the air and even the floors more thoroughly than gas or electric fuels can. Pound for pound, it provides the best heat for the amount of fuel needed. Pacific Energy is a brand that outperforms other wood burning fireplace inserts. It burns cleanly, with great efficiency, and provides a controllable, steady burn.

Electric Fueled

An electric fueled fireplace insert may not be compatible with every existing fireplace, or it may require extra effort to install. Perhaps the main determining factor for whether or not electric fireplace inserts are right for you, is the availability of your power source. If electrical power is not available in the existing fireplace, then it will have to come from somewhere else which may or may not be possible. Assuming no rewiring or electrical feat is required, the installation cost of an electric fireplace insert is the least when compared to gas and wood. The cost to operate is comparable to the other two fuel types; however, electric fireplace inserts are primarily aesthetic in function and provide little heat. A small room is about the extent of their heating capabilities, though the size of room they can heat varies depending on the size of the fireplace insert chosen. The upside to electric is its maintenance, which is minimal and requires the least attention among the three fuel types discussed in this article. If an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere with low cost and little maintenance meets your needs, an electrical fireplace insert may be your answer and Kozy Heat Electric Fireplace is a reliable brand to consider.

Creating A Lifestyle

Choosing the best fireplace insert fuel type for your lifestyle could rest on one question: “How much time and energy do I want to put into heating my space?” The effort and time, or lack thereof, required to maintain each of these inserts might be the weightiest question with the most repercussions affecting not just how you heat your home, but the lifestyle you wish to create.