Linear Split Pane Fireplace
It takes its name from the finely crafted glass view which is set inside a three inch deep, ¼” steel lintel. Unlike our Linear 50, which has a guillotine style glass door, the glass of the Linear Split Pane is divided into three panes. There is a fixed panel on either side of the centrally located door which opens discreetly on a hidden hinge. Normally a fireplace with a viewing area this large requires a 10″ chimney, but this unit has a hidden secret – it requires a chimney 36% smaller. Much like a funnel will over-flow if too much water is poured in, so too, will smoke spill out of a chimney that is too small. The clever door design offers a solution to the quintessential problem of big fireplaces requiring big chimneys in order to work well. The Linear SP provides the viewing space of a massive fireplace, but offers the door size of a woodstove.
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